Water Loss Prevention Explained


Has your water network or business been experiencing water leaks? Are you looking for information on water loss prevention? Maybe you’re trying to find water loss management services or establish a non-revenue water project? Whatever your situation may be, you’ve come to the right place.

The team at Aqua Analytics has helped pioneer water loss prevention, active leak detection, non-revenue water reduction projects throughout Australia, New Zealand, and Asia for over 20 years. When it comes to water network management technology, there’s no one more equipped to inform than us; We’re in a unique position whereby our experience and knowledge allows us to contribute to improved operational efficiency and leakage reduction across the Asia-Pacific.

Every water supply system experiences an ‘unaccounted for’ percentage of water loss every year, losses that can result in significant revenue decline for water authorities or extensive property damage. In order to reduce the sheer wastage of water year in year out across the globe, strong water loss prevention measures need to be put in place.

Continue reading to learn more about why preventing water loss is important, the relevant measures and systems, and how Aqua Analytics is going about tackling this substantial issue.

Why is Water Loss Reduction Important?

Water that has been produced and is ‘lost’ before it reaches the end-user is referred to as ‘non-revenue water’. High levels of non-revenue water are incredibly harmful to the quality of the water itself and the financial strength of water corporations. There are sizeable financial costs in having water utilities treat and pump water, only to see it leak back into the ground, combined with the loss in water that would otherwise have been sold. Moreover, better water loss control measures can protect public health by reducing the number of potential entry points for bacteria or disease-inducing pathogens.

It is estimated that 34% of all water worldwide becomes non-revenue-water at some point. High levels of non-revenue are harmful to water supply, the financial strength of water corporations and public health. Effective water loss management will safeguard our planet’s long-term sustainability and protect public health.

To put into perspective how prominent this problem is, if the water losses in developing countries could be halved, this saved water would be enough to supply around 90 million people.

Typically, the collective management of water utilities across the globe hasn’t been making sufficient progress due to the labour and resource cost attached to finding and fixing leaks within existing systems. A lack of incentive and poor financial discipline within this space has further extenuated the problem, creating a lethargy that has left the industry exposed to pressures arising from climate change, water scarcity and increased expectations of consumers.

As such, it is abundantly clear that effective water network loss prevention systems must be put in place as soon as possible in order to safeguard our planet’s long-term sustainability.

The Benefits of Preventing & Reducing Water Loss

Effective non-revenue water management and prevention will enable water networks and utility services to expand and improve, enhancing financial income, increasing climate resilience, reducing energy consumption, and making cities more aesthetically pleasing. Better water management resulting in more saved water would improve the bottom line of service providers and decrease the necessity for water extraction, which in turn saves labour cost and improves the fundamental resilience of city networks. Furthermore, reducing non-revenue water has many knock-on effects, including reducing the cost of producing drinking water, reducing pressures on local water resources, increasing overall operational efficiency and more. In saying this, preventing water loss enough to make a noticeable worldwide difference requires extensive manpower and a cohesive effort across diplomatic institutions. On a smaller scale, water leak prevention efforts can result in the following benefits:

1. Lower consequence of failure from large main breaks

Finding leaks early through solid preventative leak detection measures or real-time monitoring with smart sensors means that leaks don’t have time to grow in size and become a more catastrophic failure. Finding leaks early is a prudent asset management approach that can lead to less disruption to customers and a lower cost to the municipality.

2. Lower repair costs

Identifying leaks early means that repairs can be done before it becomes a severe problem, saving time and money that would otherwise be left for emergency or overtime costs. It allows the leak to be scheduled for repair at a suitable time of the day and not repaired under an emergency scenario leading to higher direct costs (such as overtime).

3. Reduction of environmental impact

Finding leaks, even while they’re relatively small, will save substantial amounts of water and generate revenue that otherwise would be lost. The overall environmental impact is also reduced considerably, as fewer alternative water sources such as desalination or new dams need to be considered.

How Can We Reduce Water Loss?

Here at Aqua Analytics, we’re the industry leaders in effective water loss management strategies for major public water networks, regional councils, and local government, taking a proactive approach to water loss and leakage management that generates long-lasting results. We understand the need for individualised and tailored water loss management solutions, as what may have worked in one scenario may not apply to another due to asset age, soil type, construction methods or topography.

As such, we have a range of techniques and solutions backed by innovative technology to call on, with the sole intention of preventing high levels of water loss in Australia and New Zealand. If you’ve been wondering ‘how do water utilities prevent leakage?’, here are some of the ways we look to tackle the prominent issue of non-revenue water:

1. The use of high-quality products and materials in water systems

High-quality products and materials are the backbones of any effective water system; expenses and complications linked to poor quality products far exceed the cost attached to a solid, well-planned solution.

2. The development of considered water asset management plans

Water utility systems need to have asset management plans consistent with other areas of the existing overall strategy of the business. These management plans should be specific to each utility (and even supply zone or DMA), as what works for one may not work for another. When formulating a water loss management or water asset management plan, you must consider resource allocation, potential savings, regulators, data sources, a non-revenue water limit, the economic level of leakage (ELL) and any relevant political considerations.

3. Real-time data collection and regular on-site inspections

In alignment with a proactive strategy, real-time data collection and regular on-site inspections reduce the risk of continued water loss and allow for improved conditions within the water network. Active leakage control and the improved speed and quality of repairs that come with regular monitoring work to reduce financial outlay over time. Our data-collection method is centred on smart technology and can be conducted remotely; our solutions seek to provide all clients with short and long-term benefits. We are able to customise field intelligence and data collection tools, smart water software platforms or leak detection software tools.

4. Train and educate all staff

To ensure the development and effective maintenance of a well-equipped water network, knowledge sharing should be a priority – not only in technical insights but also a more overarching view of its necessity concerning sustainability and environmental concerns. Our staff are water industry professionals who are committed to water utility asset management projects.

Information on these two areas can be shared through company messaging systems, posters in high-traffic areas and regular meetings that keep the employee base in the loop on these topics. Incentivising staff engagement with the idea development process is another great way to develop cohesion and efficiency.

Aqua Analytics Reduced Water Loss In Your Network

At Aqua Analytics, we’ve pioneered smart water network management solutions in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia for over 20 years. Our extensive experience has afforded us immense knowledge in this space – we’re uniquely positioned to implement digital solutions to improve operational efficiency in water systems and reduce resource expense in the maintenance and repairs of failing systems.

We place a strong emphasis on clear lines of communication, and our water network technicians have undergone customer service training to ensure the best client experience possible. At the start of a project, we’ll work closely with you to understand your objectives, budget, regulations, and long-term vision. We’ll be a true partner, an extension of your existing team committed to the achievement of your KPIs.

If you require assistance with water loss management, leak detection or pipeline condition assessment, please contact us today.

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